
Gentlemanfee Z

Gentlemanfee Z

A young horse just being introduced to the world of sport. He overcomes small obstacles and learns the basics of dressage. He goes under saddle 4 times a week, has a lunge twice a week and is off once a week.

Płeć: gelding
Wiek: 4 years
Dyscyplina: jumping
Właściciel: Maja Piotrowska
Rasa: Zangersheide
Wzrost: 168 cm
Waga: 500 kg

"GeantlemanFee is a young horse with a big heart and the character of a real athlete"

Wybierz wagę swojego konia a dawkowanie samo się przeliczy

400 kg500 kg600 kg
ŚniadanieBasic muesli 300 g + Turbo Pony muesli 300 g + Light Breath 200 gBasic muesli 400 g + Turbo Pony muesli 400 g + Light Breath 250 gBasic muesli 500 g + Turbo Pony muesli 500 g + Light Breath 300 g
ObiadBasic muesli 300 g + Sport muesli 300 gBasic muesli 400 g + Sport muesli 400 gBasic muesli 500 g + Sport muesli 500 g
PodwieczorekFruity Mash 200 gFruity Mash 250 gFruity Mash 300 g
KolacjaBasic muesli 300 g + Turbo Pony muesli 300 gBasic muesli 400 g + Turbo Pony muesli 400 gBasic muesli 500 g + Turbo Pony muesli 500 g

Miesięczne zapotrzebowanie

Ilość worków jaka jest zamawiana dla Gentlemanfee Z

16 kg
16 kg
8 kg
6 kg

A customized diet covers GentlemanFee's basic needs. The primary feeds mainly included in it, namely Basic and Turbo Pony, are based on dried alfalfa, which provides high-quality fiber supplemented with essential amino acids and calcium, providing an optimal amount of slow-release energy while not causing hyperactivity in the young horse. This makes it very easy to work together. In addition, the aforementioned Turbo Pony basic feed supplements the diet with protein, which is essential during puberty. As GentlemanFee is subjected to more intensive training, he needs additional energy, which is provided by the basic feed Sport fed daily at lunch. During the competition, the gelding also gets it for dinner.

The GentlemanFee diet could not, also, miss the mess, which he has daily prepared for afternoon tea as the fourth meal. It is worth remembering to include in the diet of a horse intended for sport, also electrolytes to ensure adequate hydration. Unfortunately, they are not always readily eaten with forage, as is the case here, so a very good option is to feed them together with mash.

During the spring and summer, the horse coughs and therefore gets the herbal respiratory supplement Light Breath at breakfast along with the basic feed, which makes him feel much better on warm days when the amount of pollen and dust in the air is increased. In autumn and winter, on the other hand, he gets the same supplement for afternoon tea with moss, since herbs served warm show better effects. It is worth mentioning that the Purple Coneflower contained in the product supports immunity which is especially important during this time.

Such a diet allows the young horse to develop sustainably and will be modified when the horse gains more muscle and completes the growth period, that is, at about. 5 years. The Turbo Pony basic feed will then be fully replaced by the Sport basic feed, which, with the increase in energy requirements, will also eventually replace the Basic basic feed.

Gentlemanfee Z

Zamów dietę Gentlemanfee Z dla swojego konia